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SCCR/Radio FWD 2023-2024 Annual Spring Election Results


Voting was open from March 29, 2023 at 12:00am to March 30, 2023, at 11:59pm. A total of 133 votes were casted for this election from fee-paying students. All candidates ran unopposed in this election, however, only 3 positions were filled: Vice President and 2 Student Directors. The results are as follows:

After two days of voting, Oluwapelumi Sobowale was accepted for the role of Vice President with a total of 103 (77.4%) votes voting yes and 33 votes (22.6%) abstained.

After two days of voting, both Wyn Kon and Sofia Suleman were accepted for the roles of Student Directors with a total of 99 votes (57.2%) voting for Wyn, 74 votes (42.8%) voting for Sofia, and 7 votes (5.3%) abstained.

Voting for the DJ Representative, which usually takes place se

parately from the other director positions, will be done on the Simply Voting platform. However, voting was not done for the DJ Representative during this election as no candidates ran for the position.

Unlike recent years, candidates were able to collect nominations, campaign, or encourage their peers to vote on campus grounds freely. Moreover, it is important to note that the DJ Representative can be a fee-paying UTSC student or a fee-paying non-student community member, usually ONLY elected by radio hosts with no input from our general student membership.

After reviewing SCCR policies and discussion with current directors and staff, it was decided that the fairest way to choose a DJ Representative at this time was to use the input of our general student membership via the Simply Voting election page. Similar to last year, Radio FWD’s DJ Representative will be elected by fee-paying UTSC students via the University of Toronto’s online voting platform ( - signing in with UTORid) and our non-student membership was not able to cast a vote.

The Radio FWD team hopes the DJ Representative elections will have more participation from radio hosts. The Radio FWD team is available to address any concerns or questions regarding our election.

Please email the CRO at or send any general inquiries to

As of March 30, 2023, at 11:59pm, voting has closed and all results are final. However, another round of elections will take place in May for the remaining positions that were not contested for during this election.

Once again, if there are any questions or concerns, please contact

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